I am part of Nature, one more species of an immense and complex biological diversity of our planet earth, in which EVERYTHING is interconnected.
I have an eclectic background, although my interests have mainly been focused on ecology, cultural diversity and visual culture.
Visual creation allows me to delve deeper into these issues, and I beleive it can be a powerful tool for generating social and ecological awareness and change.
In 2002, I opened my studio in madrid where I work as a freelance photographer combining my personal artistic creation with commissioned work and teaching.
2016 | Master Course in Edition, Production and Distribution of Photobooks, School.
Blank Paper. Madrid
1997-98 | MA in Anthropology, Environment and Cultural Studies, focusing on Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries. ILAS (Institute of Latin American Studies), University of London, UK. Final Thesis: Indigenous response to oil development in the Peruvian Amazon.
2016 | Master Course in Edition, Production and Distribution of Photobooks, School.
Blank Paper. Madrid
1997-98 | MA in Anthropology, Environment and Cultural Studies, focusing on Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries. ILAS (Institute of Latin American Studies), University of London, UK. Final Thesis: Indigenous response to oil development in the Peruvian Amazon.
Individual Exhibitions
2023 | A River is not a River, Casa Árabe, Madrid (Autumn Exhibition).
The Book of Sand, Diaz Caneja Foundation, Palencia.
2022 | The Book of Sand, Cabo Mayor Lighthouse Art Center, Santander (Autumn Exhibition).
2020 | The Book of Sand, El Águila Hall, HACER Forum, PHOTOESPAÑA and Ministry of Culture of the Community of Madrid, Official Section, Madrid.
The Book of Sand. Photobook presentation and video projection. Montenmedio Contemporánea NMAC Foundation, Vejer de la Frontera, Cádiz.
2019 | Invisible Women. Santa Maca Gallery. Section off PHOTOALICANTE, Alicante.
Portraits of a new Greece. Casa Mediterráneo. Official Section PHOTOALICANTE, Alicante.
2018 | Portraits of a new Congo. Patio del Tesoro, University of Castilla La Mancha, Toledo.
2017 | Portraits of a new Congo. National Museum of Anthropology, Madrid.
A Solar Revelation… Fúcares Gallery, Almagro, Ciudad Real.
Portraits of a new Congo. Embassy of Spain in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.
2012 | Neovanitas. Nando Argüelles Gallery, Cádiz.
Portraits of a New Yemen. Embassy of Spain in Sanaa, Yemen.
2011 | Neovanitas. Miquel Alzueta Gallery, Madrid.
Media appearances
2023 | PHOTOPOCOCENE Podcast, Episode 36 https://go.ivoox.com/rf/103319968 https://open.spotify.com/episode/6QaHyyRHLKVXcfrNcNazeM?si=yBt-vnu_Rb6bd8_sOfGXIw
Enjeux Écologiques de Líndustrie du sable, LA REVUE nº 4, A/H 2022
Sobre Tumbas y Nobles, Photoessay in El País Semanal.
2022 | The Untamed Dune, Interview in Lur https://e-lur.net/maria-primo/
2021 | Murmurs of the great moving dune, Photoessay in EL PAIS SEMANAL.
2020 | The Book of Sand selected in the List of the Best Photography Books of 2020, BABELIA of EL PAIS.
The Book of Sand in RNE. Interview by Ana Morente in LA RADIO TIENE OJOS.
LA VANGUARDIA. Article about the presentation of the photobook at the NMAC Foundation.
2019 | Interview Radio 5, RNE, El Mundo desde las Casas.
2018 | La Hora Cervantes RTVE 24HRS.
AINT-BAD Magazine . Article about A Solar Revelation…
Distinctions and Residences
2022 | Recipient of the grant from the Madrid City Council’s Program of Grants for Creation.
2021 | Artist residency in Luxor, Egypt.
Award to the best photography book of the year – selected for the self-published category – PHOTOESPAÑA 21.
2020 | HACER, PHOTOESPAÑA 21. Winning project by open call.
FOTOBOOK FESTIVAL OSLO, Selected in International Open Call for Planet Earth.
Photobook Week Aarhus (PWA) _ Selected
2019 | Recipient of the grant from the Madrid City Council’s Creation Grants Program.
2018 | ENAIRE Foundation Photography Award (second prize).
AINT BAD_ selected work
2017 | Zone Zero Labs _ Selected
2016 | Artist Residency in Kinshasa (DRC) organized by the Spanish Embassy in DRC.
2012 | Artist Residency in Sanaa (Yemen) organized by the Spanish Embassy in Yemen.
2010 | Nikon Photo Contest _ Finalist.
Teaching, Presentations and other
2023 | Inclusive workshop on Art and Nature: Creation of cyanotypes in the Carrión River. Díaz Caneja Foundation, Palencia.
Master Class at TAI University School of Arts, Madrid.
Workshop on Photography of Architecture and Interiors, European Institute of Design (IED), Madrid.
2022 | Workshop at APERTURA
2021 | ARCO (International Contemporary Art Fair) Presentation of The Book of Sand in the Speakers Corner program at ARTS LIBRIS
Portfolio viewing to Women artists from Alexandria, Shelter Art Space (Egypt)
How to survive as a photographer, presentation at PHOTOPIA CAIRO photography school, (Egypt)
Practical interior photography workshop in Luxor, (Egypt)
PHotoESPAÑA Santander. Presentation of The Book of Sand at the Gil Bookstore.
UFCA (Colectivo Fotográfico Algeciras), Presentation of The Book of Sand.
2020 | Seminar Art, Photography and ecology: the role of the artist as an agent of social change, Master PHOTOESPAÑA and Alcobendas City Council. Madrid.
OBJETIVO MEDITERRÁNEO. CASA MÉDITERRÁNEO. Meeting with photographer María Primo, moderated by Gertrud Gómez. Online.
FORUM PHOTOESPAÑA/CAM. TALKING. María Primo The book of Sand. Online.
Seminar Workshop MANO DE MUJERES, Coordinated by Gema Pastor. Carlos III University, Madrid. Online.
Jury and tutor of the Young Photography Award of Enaire Foundation in JustMad. Madrid
2019 | Meeting with photographers at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante within the PHOTOALICANTE festival.
Jury and tutor of the Young Photography Award of Enaire Foundation in JustMad. Madrid
2013 | NYU (New York University) Paris, Conference
2010 | VIP guide of the EARTH exhibition of the PRIX PICTET award, Madrid.
2009 | San Francisco University, Quito (Ecuador) _ Editorial photography workshops.
Works in collections
National Museum of Anthropology (Spain)
ENAIRE Foundation
Regional Archive of the Community of Madrid
H.E.F. Collection
Ewa Art Collection (Miami)