Consumption = Waste (2006)

Life full of inseparable contrasts: the feminine and the masculine; the light and the dark; the healthy and the insane; beauty and horror; energy and waste; Consciousness and unconsciousness.

The idea of consuming consciously, without excesses, contrasts with the idea of the desire for procreation to leave our mark. The memory that gives us life and ends up reading accumulated in the garbage.

The trash we spit bothers us, we set it apart creating dramatic landscapes in the suburbs where we live and avoid. We mutilate ourselves to not see reality. A reality that starts from our bodies, insatiable consumer machines.

Our bodies are like power plants. We need to generate energy to stay alive. The engines are found in the molecules of the woman’s body. The energy process of our bodies also requires the inevitable production of waste. Our free radicals that kill all our cells.

Lift as a “container”: waste container that, at the end of the day, is what we are

Intervention in the elevator of La Casa Encendida as part of the Garbage, Landscape and Memory workshop taught by visual artist Daniel Canogar.